Thursday, September 2, 2021

Plant this tree to help animals stay healthy (and a method on how to plant it)

Willow is an incredible tree. In addition to its wonderful appearance and beautiful feelings it invokes, it has many other surprises. For example, in the world of spirituality, some people believe it boosts the creativity of people. In our case, it offers a natural wonder: acetyl salicylic acid.

You know acetyl salicylic acid well because it is the active ingredient of aspirin or some other medicinal wonders we often use in our daily lives. As acetyl salicylic acid dilutes the blood, people use it a lot in order to safeguard themselves from strokes or heart failures and keep their cardiovascular system cleaner.

Offered by this enormously interesting three, acetyl salicylic acid helps animals, who inherently know it, a lot when they are or likely to be sick.

So it looks beneficial for the ecology of our whereabouts to plant willows.

Warning: Please avoid planting willows in your garden or areas nearby water or sewage systems as the plant will drain lots and lots of water and might damage the public utilities.

Willow likes water a lot. You can just find one by a creek or river. It is likely that somebody has already planted this beneficial tree in your town.

How to plant it?

A Method to Plant Willows:

1- Plant it preferably in winter or in autumn or anytime that you think your area receives the highest level of precipitation..

2- When you find a willow tree, gently have one cutting like 10 or 20 cm- or in any number that you want. Remove the leaves.

3- Just stick into the ground.

4- If possible, feed it with plenty of water.

Some people find it difficult to see one growing but as we said, it needs water, care, and correct timing.

It will be great for the beings of your town for many decades to come!  




Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A Nice Method for Conserving the Environment Safely and Wisely

In fact the title of this article is taken from a book called New Methods for Conserving the Environment Safely and Wisely. It has many technical tricks about conservation of nature. 

Usually, a search on the Internet about conservation of the environment returns with results like responsible use of water, waste, etc. This book, however, plays with nature for its good and offers ways to conserve it safely and wisely. 

We believe that one of its smart ideas about conservation of the environment is about nature's own consumption. It simply argues that natural beings consume each other and we can feed a consuming being rather than destroying it to protect the consumed one if we seek a balance in an ecosystem. It asserts that if we find our neighborhood lacks birds, we may try feeding the cats who consume them. 

By feeding, we can play with nature to attract wildlife anywhere we want as beings are always in search of food and tend to come back once they find to find again, according to our perception from the book.

Then, we understand, people can just put some food elsewhere in order to dispel unwanted beings from an area. For example, if you don't want to destroy insects coming to your home, you can attract them to your garden by putting food, say wheat, regularly in your garden.

Of course, the book is about ecological conservation of ecosystems but we just like the idea that beings can be attracted to elsewhere by feeding just like anglers do to their kitchen!  

We will try


Saturday, July 25, 2020

An Ultimate, Miraculous, Simple, and Ecological Way of getting rid of Mosquitoes and Blackflies at once

Fly, Insect, Wing, Flight Insect, Animal, Close Up

Mosquitoes and blackflies have been troublemakers in our lives since the existence of humans on earth. 

Mosquito, Dengue Fever, AedesSolutions to getting rid of them involve repellents containing chemicals that may be harmful and that stay about eight hours a day on our body, so we might end up waking up being assaulted by mosquitos if we sprayed the repellent a bit earlier than our bedtime.

Here is the solution that we tried, which will protect us during the day ecologically:

Glass, Champagne, Alcohol, Wine, Drink, Holiday, Liquid
Find the following three liquids:

1- Vinegar (we tried grape vinegar and it was OK)
2- Vegetable oil
3- Shampoo

Hand Sanitizer, Sanitizer, Homemade Hand SanitizerMix them into a spray bottle in equal amounts; for example, one glass of each. Then, spray it on every part of your body that you do not want to be attacked.

The method was told to us by our neighbor-relative. Probably it was written somewhere on the Internet. If we find it originated from someone, we will be happy to include a "Source" link.

We have been trying the method for a while. It is assuredly beneficial and certainly ecological.

Enjoy nature to enjoy life...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

An Ecological Way to get rid of Ants at Home

Especially in summers, ants may occupy some parts of our houses.

About five years ago, there were ideas on the Internet regarding simply sweeping them away.

It was when we were concerned about finding an ecological solution to the problem and it came when we were talking with a townsman in a store.

He simply suggested using diesel oil and it worked!

All we needed to do was to pour some diesel oil to the thresholds of entrance doors and underside windows.

We have been doing it in the beginning of summer since then and we are sure it is a malleable way to use diesel oil that can be found at gas stations to ward off ants.

We also shared it on a website then.

Attention must be paid to the fact that the diesel oil must be applied before ants enter. It is best to include it in our summer cleaning schedule.

Enjoy nature to enjoy life...

Plant this tree to help animals stay healthy (and a method on how to plant it)

Willow is an incredible tree. In addition to its wonderful appearance and beautiful feelings it invokes, it has many other surprises. For ex...