Saturday, July 25, 2020

An Ultimate, Miraculous, Simple, and Ecological Way of getting rid of Mosquitoes and Blackflies at once

Fly, Insect, Wing, Flight Insect, Animal, Close Up

Mosquitoes and blackflies have been troublemakers in our lives since the existence of humans on earth. 

Mosquito, Dengue Fever, AedesSolutions to getting rid of them involve repellents containing chemicals that may be harmful and that stay about eight hours a day on our body, so we might end up waking up being assaulted by mosquitos if we sprayed the repellent a bit earlier than our bedtime.

Here is the solution that we tried, which will protect us during the day ecologically:

Glass, Champagne, Alcohol, Wine, Drink, Holiday, Liquid
Find the following three liquids:

1- Vinegar (we tried grape vinegar and it was OK)
2- Vegetable oil
3- Shampoo

Hand Sanitizer, Sanitizer, Homemade Hand SanitizerMix them into a spray bottle in equal amounts; for example, one glass of each. Then, spray it on every part of your body that you do not want to be attacked.

The method was told to us by our neighbor-relative. Probably it was written somewhere on the Internet. If we find it originated from someone, we will be happy to include a "Source" link.

We have been trying the method for a while. It is assuredly beneficial and certainly ecological.

Enjoy nature to enjoy life...

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